
Udaariyaan is a popular Indian Hindi television series that debuted on Colors TV on March 15, 2021. This series has a devoted following and has gained remarkable popularity. Uttam Ahlawat directed this series, and the ensemble became well-known for their chemistry. The stars of the show are Ankit Gupta and Twinkle Arora.


The Udaariyaan series focuses on the goals of three college friends, Fateh, Jasmine, and Tejo. They come from a middle-class background and aim for success via hard work. Jasmine has an unusual dream in which she simply wants to go to Canada since she believes that living in India inhibits her from grooming herself, and she has tried several different routes to get there. Fateh and Tejo wanted to assist their family. Fateh and Jasmine’s marriage was planned, but she escaped, and Tejo married Fateh.


After a few years, they grew closer. Stay tuned to our website Chotisardaarni to catch up on all episodes.