Chookar Mere Mann Ko Plot Story: Chookar Mere Mann Ko is a popular Hindi-language television series that debuted on DD’s main channel and conveys a strong social message. In recent years, there has been a significant movement in attitudes among Mumbai and Delhi citizens, yet, many other people face various …
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Chookar Mere Mann Ko is a popular Hindi television series that debuted on DD national television in India. This series attracted a lot of attention because it was broadcast on India’s government-run national channel. The primary goal of this series is to express the concept of growing inequities between Indian individuals in Mumbai and Delhi. Rahul Battm directed the series, which starred Roshni Sharma and Samiksha Singh.
The story of Chookar Mere Mann Ko serial begins with three village girls, Pari, Tiya, and Alvira. She relocated in search of a better lifestyle and an opportunity in Mumbai, where they might achieve their goals. They had to deal with several issues in Mumbai because the people there had different ideals and judged others harshly. They met an old couple who invited them to reside in their home for rent. After the death of their son, the elderly couple now lives alone. A businessman wanted to buy that house, but it was the old couple’s only asset, so they refused to sell it.
However, the businessman still wanted it, so he pressed. To see what comes next. Stay in contact with us via our website Chotisardaarni and enjoy.